Sunday 7 February 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

I chose to make a music video, and before creating my own I looked at existing ones as well as getting audience feedback in order to find out what the general public thought the conventions of a music video were. I took this into consideration when making mine and then developed my ideas from what people said. Instead of focusing on one main aspect I tried to create my music video in a way that used many of the separate conventions and themes that people and I identified through my research.
My music video takes a very narrative form which could be seen to challenge the form of certain music videos. However, it could be seen to be using the conventions of the music videos within the genre of music that I chose. In my music video the main protagonist followed a trail and it finishes with her hugging “the boy”. It could be said that I challenged the conventions by having the break from the narrative towards the end. I also purposely chose to have minimal performance from the actress as I thought this would take away from the narrative and not fit in with the style of the song. When I chose my actress I chose someone who I thought would fit in with the style and look of other woman in music videos: tall, skinny and pretty. When I was coming up with the idea of what to do for the music video I mainly just listened to the lyrics over and over again in order to get inspiration and ideas and to find something that would fit with the song rather than something than focusing on something that was typical and of the style of the genre. I decided not to use many effects as I thought that this was not common of the genre and I did not want to ruin the filming or take away from the narrative by using lots of unnecessary effects.
I do not think that I challenged any conventions in an overt way but I think that aspects of my music video stand out enough in order for it to be memorable, for example how I used props such as the paper boats, red balloons and the giant flower. Overall I think that my music video would work as a real media product because of everything I have stated above.

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