Wednesday 23 September 2009

Not quite what I had hoped for

Unfortunately I had very little luck when I carried out my Vox Pop.
Not only were people against me, but my camera was too. Out of the twenty odd people I tried to speak to, about five of them agreed to speak to me. This might of been enough, had it not been for the fact that my camera has decided that it did not want to show me more than .47 seconds of what I had filmed. No point complaining, you can't win them all. What research I did collect is in this post however I wish to gather more data to analyse. Because of this I have decided to create a post in which users of the Internet can post a comment to tell me their view on what a good music video should have.

This along side of the data gathered from the Vox Pop should enable me to start creating a really good music video.

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