Thursday 24 September 2009

Audience Research Anyone?

As you would expect, for a music video to be successful it is necessary to keep an audience in mind.

In order to do the best that I am capable of, I need to analyse and take into account what my target audience is looking for when they watch a music video.

So, this is where you come in. In the form of a 'comment' I need to get feedback on what people think makes a great music video. It doesn't need to be a essay, a simple sentence would do, but the more informative the better.

If you don't have an account with one of the sites required to submit a comment then feel free to use this google account:
username: media.audience.research
password: 1234567q

If you're not sure what to write here are some points to consider:
•What sort of music do you like?
•Where do you usually watch music videos? (music channels, websites etc)
•What do you expect to see in a music video?
•Would you say there is a common theme in music videos today?
•What do you not like to see in a music video?
•What do you think the point of a music video is?

Thank you for taking the time to help me out!


  1. I like all types of music, I prefer metal anmd classical, although it depends on the time of the season and mood I'm in.
    I usually watch music videos on youtube, though sometimes the freeview music channels.
    I expect to see something that refelcts the mood of the song.
    There are common themes; Sex is a common theme, and other stereotypical things from teenage stereotypes, I think this may be because of the audience the videos are aimed at.
    I hate super imposed music videos, I mean videos that aren't filmed in a natural environment; not all green screened.
    The point of a music video is to either influence the audience to a certain opinion about the atmosphere of a song, or to promote the song.

  2. I enjoy music videos which are quirky and visually humorous - also helps if the band are charismatic performers. That's why I like the work of director Mark Romanek - esp his stuff with the RHCP.....have a look at Can't Stop (I've got a copy if you want to borrow it). Romanek exploits the exhibitionist tendencies of frontman Anthony Kiedis and guitarist Flea with arresting effect (and also exploits the voyeuristic tendencies of the audience (!). I defy anyone not to enjoy the video!

  3. I think that music videos should definitely reflect the mood/feel of the song. I like it when they tell a story, especially if it's directly relevant to the music & lyrics of the song, because it's more interesting.
    I'd say stuff like love, break ups etc are common themes, but that's probably just because they're common themes in songwriting. It's nice when you can empathise with characters in the video too.
    I like it when there are little subtle things in the video, like when you see something new or something differently everytime you watch it. I'm not too keen on cliche love stories, but if they're done in an original/quirky way, they're much more watchable. Basically, I like stuff that's interesting and took some thought.
    I think generally the point of a music video is to try and sell more copies of the single/album, but I think they should also be about expressing what the songwriter wrote the lyrics about in a visual format, so the audience can get a deeper insight into the meaning of the song and stuff.

  4. I like pretty much any type of music you can throw at me.

    there are common themes running through almost every music genre, usually relating to the genres background or subject matter. for example, grime artists with gyrating women and incinuations of firearms and narcotics, or punk bands with their grimy cities, graffiti, and poor lifestyles.

    however, as a commenter above has said, the most common theme running throughout the genres is sex. the main reason for this is that any form of sexual arousal, especially subconscious, sells poducts. this is because sexuality is a horoughly base human instinct. this can relate to anything, but is probably especially true of music videos. we see it in the use of attractive models squeezing toothpaste tubes, and that works, so why not a music video?

    the music video originally came about as a 'promo', an aid to selling a song when there was no real fast means of communication about new bands, and most bands blurred into one on top of the pops. somewhere along the line, this all got lost in wierd effects and flashing lights, but the dawn of the internet and specifically youtube has brought the emphasis back on the video as an aid to selling a product. for instance, the music video with the treadmills made the band instantly more popular.

    my favourite types of videos, incidentally, are those where the band can make a joke of themselves. this may be because of the constant sexuality of videos, when one which isnt comes along its a change, which makes you notice it.

    i normally view promotional videos on scuzz tv / youtube.

  5. Itunes says i like alternative/electonic(a)/indie/rock mostly. and i usually watch videos on music channels or youtube if theyre not big enough to get onto the channels. ideally a music video should have something original and interesting and relevant to the mood of the song. as opposed to gratuitous sexual innuendo/excessive bling/or something just generally unimaginitve and shit. generally videos with just the badn performing the song are pretty lame (except weezer - undone (the sweater song) cos thats pretty cool cos its totally different and weird. they should be fun to watch and suit the music too. street spirit by radiohead and sabotage by beastie boys are wicked good, but velouria by pixies is hugley crap.

  6. I like pretty much all types of music,

    and usually watch music videos on music channels, or youtube.

    In a music video I would expect to see something captivating, not necessarily the people that play the song, animations can be cool.

    The most common theme in music videos today is mainly sex/holidays. Basically skinny ladies in bikini's.

    I think the point of a music video is to make people want to buy the song, or to explain whats happening in the song or the message in the song. But mainly so people buy it.

  7. 1) heavy rock/metal
    2) scuzz tv, kerrang tv, youtube
    3) something relevant to the band/song
    4) yes, surgically enhanced women dancing provocatively close to the screen, and common instances of violence and drug use.
    5) something unimaginative and irrelevant
    6) to catch the viewers attention and to advertise the song/band

  8. I am into all sorts of music, although there is a limit to the number of music video's I can watch in one sitting.

    Nowadays, the "norm" is very much that of half naked models, prancing about on the stage; advertising their new single.

    Since the decline of Top of the Pops (some would argue even before this), the single charts have certainly lost their credibility. It is easy for somebody to make a big no. 1 hit in their bedroom with a few clicks of a mouse so I believe that there is more respect in writing a damn good album than writing a few catchy tunes.

    If you flick onto TMF or The Hits for example, there is an abundance of R'N'B music videos where all the singers look and sound the same.

    I watch music video's most on YouTube as it is more convenient than waiting for hours for a song you like to come on the TV.

    As many other "commenters" have said, the common theme for a music video seems to be to arouse the audience and in turn, sell the artist's single so they can buy a nice house in the hills with a butler. There is much less of a sense of accomplishment when finishing a music video and over the years it has certainly become less of an "event".

    Many people say that when Michael Jackson's Thriller was first aired, the pubs were filled with people eager to see the singer and the music video/short film that was to become such a classic. I would like to see this in music videos today. The release of a music video is much less of a big thing due to the huge advance in media over the past 20 years.

    Finally, the point of a music video is to sell a product.

    I hope that rant helps =)

  9. I like rock sort of stuff with the occasional bit of pop or dance thrown in. As freeview is bollocks, i watch any music videos online. I like a music video which tells a story relating either directly to what the song is about, or the theme of the song. I think a music video is meant to be an accompanying piece to the music to make it more interesting when you hear the song.

  10. •What sort of music do you like?
    Quite a lot of stuff, but mostly i like classic rock type stuff, deep purple, dire straits, etc. as well as beach boys, eagles and lynyrd skynyrd
    •Where do you usually watch music videos? (music channels, websites etc) not very often, usually youtube as the videos aren't often broadcast on television
    •What do you expect to see in a music video?
    i'd like to see something of the band in some guise or another, apropriate to the music.
    •Would you say there is a common theme in music videos today?
    most seem to feature the artist and often seem to bear no real resemblance to the song, with the exception of timing there sould be any number of songs edited over the top.
    •What do you not like to see in a music video?
    tbh i'm fed up music videos of semi naked girls, it makes me llok like some kind of perv when i have TMF or The Hits on in the background
    •What do you think the point of a music video is?
    to advertise the band, often people will buy a song, not necaserrily because the music is especially good but because they remember the video when walking into a music store or purchasing online.

  11. My tend to like a variety of music and the video doesn't really matter to me because i'm probably just listening to the lyrics or the heavy bassline.
    I like music with a bass and drum solos love 'em.
    However, based on a music video I feel that it is not about how sexy you look, I find imagination and creativity can be the best, for example Junior Senior video (can't remember song, although it had a cool squirrel) anyways that kind of thing

    hope this helps in your research

  12. I guess i like inide and rock mainly, but it doesn't bother me listening to other genres as i always think that all genres of music by different artists have had different ideas and techniques put into it and effort in one form or another!

    I'll watch them on youtube if i feel like it but not too often!

    I guess i would expect something that reflects the lyrics.

    I would say that the feelings/emotions of different people are often reflected upon in the videos.

    I guess the common theme of relationships can get a bit repetative, so something a little different and quirky is cool.

    I think one of the points of a music video is to be able to relate images with music to add another dimension to the whole thing.

    Sophie :)

  13. I've always liked music videos that are really unusual and break the mold somewhat. Either that or ones that a lot of effort has gone into. It's tragic that most of what is produced today has been done a million times before!
    One of the best music videos? You gotta love 'Take on me' by A-Ha - though it's not my favourite. 'Smooth Criminal' by Micheal Jackson is the closest I have to a favourite - everything about it is awesome! Just re-make that and you'll be away! ;)

    Hope this helps! =)

    Francis. x

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Well I like music videos which fit with the song well and don't leave you thinking, 'that was strange'. I think that the music is the most important part and that the track should be the main focus, not necessarily is happening in the video. I know its a music video, but some videos rely too much on visual effects and strong narratives which ruin the video. A good dash of intertextuality is always good, so it makes you think 'I know that from that film/tv show/ other media'! :)

    good luck :) xxxx

  16. •What sort of music do you like?
    I like all types of music. Although, I guess that doesn't help. I guess my favourite is rock (indie, classic, alternative, punk, etc). :)

    •Where do you usually watch music videos? (music channels, websites etc)
    I usually watch my music videos on the channels on Sky, but I do sometimes watch them on Youtube.

    •What do you expect to see in a music video?
    The artist, themes relating to the song.

    •Would you say there is a common theme in music videos today?
    Life, love, selling the musician, and with the increase of fast-forwarding television, and being able to skip adverts; product placement is becoming very common.

    •What do you not like to see in a music video?
    Product placement, the artist clearly selling out, and I find that bands who's videos consist soley of live performance shots are quite boring.

    •What do you think the point of a music video is?
    To visualise the story of the song, to explain the lyrics, the advertise the band and the song.

    Hope it helps. :)
    Good luck with your music video.

  17. I like all sorts of music, but I think favourite is indie music. I also enjoy alot of soundtracks, any from my favourite films, as I find them inspirational and it makes me visualise the film as I watch them.

    Well often I search for music videos on, usually if I havn't seen them and I'm interested on what they will be like. But other times I watch music channels and have them on in the background as I do work

    I expect to find brilliant visual content, and by that I mean something that will catch my eye (Bright colours, interesting costumes etc.) I also like to see some sort of story happening in the video, and this story should link with the lirics of the song

    Yes. I would say alot of music videos are becoming more weird and wonderful. For example newer artists such as Lady Gaga uses very metaphorical content in her music videos.

    I do not particularly like simply girls half naked, dancing around. It gets very boring, and unless there is a point, I don't see the point!

    •What do you think the point of a music video is?
    I think the point of a music video is so that the audience can visualise and understand why the artist wrote the song. Also it helps to represent underlying meanings of the song, that perhaps people wouldn't have understood just by listening to the it.

    Hope this helps :)
