Tuesday 23 February 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

My Script:
The most obvious media technology I used through out this entire “project” is the blog. I created my blog on http://www.blogger.com/ and throughout all the different stages I updated my blog and used it to display all the work I did. Using this medium was really useful as it meant that it was much easier to keep my work organised as well as allowing me to try different methods of presenting the work I did for example I was able to gain audience feedback and research and present it in a variety of ways, such as the blog post in which I had people write a comment in response to what they thought made a music video as well as the video of the feedback from the different classes after we had completed our main task. For my AS I used the “scrapbook” method and while this wasn't a major draw back at the time as I chose to do print and create a magazine front cover, if I had carried on using that method for A2 it would have been a major draw back and would haave serioulsy limited what I would have been able to do.

Within my work I used many different software programmes and technologies. In my research I used hard copy music magazines as well as the internet. Because magazines are so easily available on the internet it was cheaper and easier to look there than to buy 5 different music magazines that represent different genres in order to see how the representation changed or differed. For the main product I used the internet to view other music videos as well as the TV as there is a whole host of music channels that show music videos non stop. For my planning I mainly just used good old fashioned pen and paper to draft ideas and then scanned them into the computer. My evaluation will also consist of an array of different technologies, I have used images, videos and text to complete the questions. The construction of my media products involved the software such as iMovie, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop CS4.

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